Sunday, March 29, 2009

[Assignment 3] My Sister

........My sister’s name is Bo Yun Song. She is 26 years old and lives in Won Ju, Gang Won Do. She is studying Oriental Medicine. She is good at acupuncture, and she has been a volunteer for the old who live in Gang Won Do for 5 years. She likes classical music, and she goes to see concerts on weekends. She also likes travel. She has visited almost every city of Turkey, Greece and Europe. She wants to be a doctor for the national team in the future because she likes sports very much. She sometimes runs away with my dresses, shoes and bags without permission, but I love her because she is my only sister.


Kim said...

Hello Bo Kyung.

Sisters are often headaches but what would we do without them. My sister and I used to fight all of the time and we still do sometimes. She's very carefree like my dad and I'm the opposite like my mom. My sister is immature, a terrible housekeeper and skinny. I've always been very mature for my age, a clean freak and round like my grandma. I definately got my grandmother's genes, but I am not complaining. She was a great woman!!

Jiseon said...

I believe her dream comes true as long as she really wants.

I understand you because I also have younger sister who wore my clothes before I got married.

Bo Kyung Song said...

This is a test....

Kim said...

Hello Bo Kyung.

It's amazing what we let our siblines get away with. I remember I hated sharing my things with my sister when I was young. We couldn't share clothes because we were diffeent sizes which was good. But, she was very immature so everything was my repsonsibility. I always envied people who has older siblings.